martes, 11 de marzo de 2008

The Knight in Rusty Armor

I’m gonna talk about “The Knight in Rusty Armor ” book…

Well, this story is about a knight that spent his life saving people who needed it and cleaning his armor, which was his most value treasure, he had a beautiful family and an enormous castle but he did not enjoy of it a lot because he rarely was at home spending time with his son and wife (Cristobal and Julieta). He really loved to wear his armor. His obsession for wearing his armor all the time was so big that he didn’t take it off even while eating.

One day his wife, Juelieta, said to him that if he didn’t take off the armor she would go away with Cristobal but when he tried to take the armor away he couldn’t because it was stuck. Then he went to find help with several people and realized that nobody could be able to help him but he. He tried as hard as he could fiscally to rid of his armor but he finally found that the key…...was inside him….in his feelings….in his heart.

After a long travel trying to find the solution to his stuck armor the knight discovered the strength of his heart. He cried a lot and wished to have to him family again beside him. He fought with himself and his selfishness. As he was regretting and realizing of all that he did wrong his armor was falling into pieces.

I really liked this book. My father gave it to me! And I identify with the main character, the knight, I thing the process he had is a common process in a lot of people. In life, you must value the important things and rid of superficial things, just like the knight did. I learnt that you can change your ideas to better, it is never late. Love to your loved ones, appreciate real friendship, and be happy around all you have. I chose this book because it really changed my life by changing my thoughts.

1 comentario:

0skar dijo...

Hi, I`m Mexican, and I read that book. It`s great.

Colorful crazy
hearts made by me TABBY