hiii!!!!! well.......i had a relaxed weekend :P on Saturday i went to school until 2 pm and then i came back at 5 pm to another class......it was kind of boring really....but what can i do abou it =S at Saturday night i did not went out because i usually don't!!! =P jijiji i stayed at home and watch tv. i think that's probably a common Saturday for me.....i always do that :P on Sunday me and my family went to the movies and watched "27 dresses" it was really really cool and entertairning ....... it was abou a girl who loved weddings....but she wasn't married yet!!!! she had attended to 27 weddings and she had 27 dresses...that's why the movie name!!! :) she was fall in love with her boss but really in love until her sister who was out of the city came and stole her boss love...she was very disapointed but

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