Hihihi!!!! =) noW i wanna talk to you about a car that drives me crazy!!! =P It is the bettle!!! I really loveeeee this car!!! Is like the perfect one for me!! =D it is small……it actually looks like a beetle xD hihihihih and it’s cool!! And it has everything I need! Four wheels and a steering wheel heheheeh

Green would be good for me but I would kill for a white bettle!!!!nonononono the best color is the harvest moon beige!! Woooo that is the best color for a bettle….. =D it looks great on this color! If I had a car like this I definitely would go out with my friends and would drive hours singing our favorite songs xD
But the truth is that my parents will never buy me a bettle =( …….they always say I have to work and buy myself my own car if that’s what I want =( so…….i should start saving money =D hihihihi or wait until I work and can afford it!....until then I will dream about having it hehehehehe!!! =D
Look all there types of bettles!!! Aren’t they just great! =D

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