But there is one thing that is the most value, significant and important to me and I already have it =) it is mi family….and believe me….i wouldn’t change it for anything in the world! I love my family as I love me (L) as I love life….here they are.

This is my mom, she is the greatest mother I’ve ever seen! She’s intelligent but sometimes forgetful like me hehehe. She’s a very kindhearted person, of all the people in my family, she is the kindest, she’s always wiling to help everybody!!! My mom gives the best advices I ever heard, she’s always right! That’s why most of the time I try to listen to her advices…..she definitely loves her daughters……we are everything to her! And she’s everything to us of course =) she’s a very good wife that fights against every difficult moment with a smile in her face. And the best thing is that she LOVES to talk with me! ;) well…..i mean, she loves to hear me talk, because I barely let her speak xD The only thing is that sometimes she’s a little strict and she’s always expecting more from us…..especially from me (I’m the preferred one…that’s why..xD) She is a great high school teacher, I really admire her and tell her that I wanna be like her but she tells me I got to be much better than she is. She’s a beloved teacher. There are a lot of people that tell me good things about her, and I agree! Because she was my teacher too xD I remember that I called her “maaa” hahahaha and she got angry because she wanted me to call her “Miss” or “teacher” like everyone else =) I love her, she’s great!!!
This is my daddy. He is always spoiling us. He always defends my sister and me when my mom is scolding us xD and he always tries to do everything to make us happy!!! He is very nice to people and he’s always talking to everybody in the street. When my mom sends him to buy something he returns like 1 or 2 hours later….because he stops to talk to somebody xD His my friend and I would do anything for him. He has a good sense of humor and we can spend hours laughing of everything…and everyone jujuju..…or talking about future plans, his interest and feelings! He is a man that LOVES his job! He spends a looooot of time planning what he’s going to teach and things like that. He is very punctual ……(I’m not) and I really don’t know why but even in vacation he wakes up at 6 pm…….wtf? =S he loves to do chores =O and I haven’t seen a lot of daddies who love it! It is great! I would like to have a husband who help me with the chores xD He likes to cook….and let me tell you that he cook better than my mom xD well, that’s the truth hihiiihhihii he’s always creating and inventing new dishes =) ooh I almost forget, he is a great elementary school teacher! Every year parent want to have him as a teacher of their son or daughter;) I love him, he’s great!!!
This is my “oldest” sister Alma “yeya”, she’s 28 and……haha I’m kidding she’s 24 and she’s very kind and she’s always wiling to give well advices. She lives in Monterrey and even I don’t see her lot I talk to her by chat! She’s a garden and high school teacher. We are a teacher’s family xD. She loves kids and she has a great sense of humor (^-). I can talk to her about everything and she’s a very good friend because always says the truth when you ask for it and she’s never gonna tell you an insult or something to make you feel down!!! I love her, she’s great!!!
This is my “little-baby” sister xD jessy……”tita”. She is the most spoiled one!!! But she’s very nice and responsible……she’s punctual…..she loves to do everything well done…..she loves good grades!!! So she’s always doing homework and that stuff xD just like meee ;) I have to admit that she is very fashioned!!! Hehehe she loves high school musical and sometimes we dance the music of it and we have fun. She sometimes behaves like the oldest one….but I still have the control ;) She’s very sensible and cries for everything!!! She LOVES to have all clean and of course I love it too!!! I LOVE to live with her!!! I really do!!! I love her, she’s great!!!
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