Hehehehe well, what can I do!This cartoon was very important to me as a child! :P I dreamed about Darien! I remember one day I This car dreamed that Darien came and kissed me!!! =) it is really crazy! Hehehehe I used to say that I was Serena and I actually combed my hair just like her! :P let me present you all the characters…….
This is Serena and she was the main character. She was a teenager soldier that defended everybody in eart
h. She was in love with Dariel……a cute guy who was an hero too! :D well…Serena was really funny! She was always saying things she was not supposed to! And she was always crying and complaining about everything! She was very sentimental! She is just like me! ;)
This is Darien, known as “Tuxedo Max”, he thinks Serena is just a spoiled girl that is in love with him! But he is in love with “Sailor moon” juju what he doesn’t know is that
"Sailor moon” and Serena are the same person! :P he can’t remember any of his past and all he does is to protect Serena and the earth.
This is Luna……she’s a nice cat that helps Serena in everything! She ia like Serena’s nany xD she’s really cool! And she talks! But just to Serena!:D she has a moon in her forehead!

this is Lita and she is like the little woman of all…she loves to cook and clean and she’ is really nice :D

this is Raye and she gets angry easily xD I think she kind of hunk!! =) but she’s a good person!
and well, this little girl is Rini haha she is always fighting with Serena because she is pretty smart and sometimes behaves better than Serena! She loves Darien too! And that’s why Serena gets angry!
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